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  1. Hello! I never thought I would appreciate a blog post as much as I do this one.

    I initially discovered your blog from your YouTube channel late last year when I was looking up black female cosplayers. I was planning to cosplay this year and was looking for validation in doing it (felt apprehensive as I was going as a Love Live character. weird, yes I know). I was very pleasantly surprised to find so many black women cosplaying and your video “How to Start Cosplaying for Beginners” convinced me to go ahead with it. It was great but that’s not why I’m leaving a comment.

    I kept following your blog on and off for the past year and I came back recently and found this post about podcasts. It’s been 2 years since I’ve been consistently listening to podcasts and your post was something I didn’t think I needed before. You selected a nice variety of podcasts that can appeal to diverse audience. There were a few I knew but most were new. The ones that stood out to me were Helping Writers Become Authors, Therapy for Black Girls, Perfectly Imperfect with Christine & Regina, Kalyn’s Coffee Talk, A Beautiful Mess and Nubian Noonas (especially this one!). Like it’s the first time I’ve come across a black woman who is an anime fan, a God-fearing woman, a female empowerment advocate and a Kpop fan. I’m still in awe.

    My apologies for the long post but I wanted to let you how much I appreciate your work. As fellow black woman who loves anime, Kpop and God, it’s always great to find others like yourself. Looking forward to your next work.

    Thank you.

    P.S: If you are interested in anymore podcasts, especially related to God and/ personal growth, I would recommend The Bible Project, Exploring My Strange Bible, The Simple Sophisticate by Shannon Ables, The Confidence Podcast with Trish Blackwell, The Mindful Kind and Wonderfully Made (I believe there are 2 separate ones but both are worth checking out).

    1. Wow! What an amazing and lovely comment. I want to reach out to you and give you a HUGE hug. Comments like this really, really encourage me to keep going. I was having a particularly bad day. After I read this, I felt better and remembered why I am working hard behind the scenes for my relaunch in January next year. Here are three other podcasts that you may like, they are called, The Courtney Sanders Show, Living Over Existing (who happens to have been my coach), Side Hustle Pro and Wait it Out by Jamie Grace. All black ladies doing their own thing and interviewing other black women. Soo good!

      I will check out the faith-related podcasts. Thank you so much.

      Stay tuned for everything coming. I will be very consistent in 2019, as I am making “all of this” my sole focus. I will share an update towards the end of the year. Hopefully, you’ll be interested.

      P.S. I updated my About page recently. It gives a sneak peak at the changes coming soon.

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