It’s finally spring. A time for renewal, refreshment and new beginnings. I’ve got a list of things I want to do to reset for Spring in 2022.
It’s time to get serious about the fact that another year is going by. The days go fast, so it’s important to time block your goals and mark them off when you accomplish them.
Household Tasks
My household tasks include decluttering my space, freshening up the aesthetics of my room, incorporating fresh scents and cleaning up the old so it feels like new. It’ll be about removing things that don’t fit the person I’m becoming and putting order to the things I plan to carry into the future.

- Fix my Nanoleaf panels.
- Declutter the clothes & storage boxes in my closet.
- Spray paint my monitor & cloud car ventilator clips white.
- Paint my closet doors and room doors white.
- Get the Cereal Milk candle by Mala the Brand.
- Wash my car, seal it and swap winter tires for summer tires.
My self-care tasks are about maintaining my current habits and creating systems to show up effortlessly for them. In the beauty department, I’m going to get Spring-inspired nails, new lashes, and a new hairstyle.

As for activities, it means getting started with rollerskating so I can practice skating off-ice and booking my Taekwondo and fitness studio classes for Spring. Last but not least, I need a playlist that’ll accompany me on all my grocery store and gym runs.
- Refill my hybrid lash extensions.
- Get Spring-inspired nails.
- Change my hairstyle.
- Book gym & Taekwondo classes.
- Purchase artistic inline rollerskates.
- Update my Spring and Car Jams playlist.
When it comes to finances, the only way I manage my spending is to be specific about my budget, stay on top of my bills, and file my taxes. This is tax season, so my top priority is to file my taxes on time and to plug my spending into my colour-coordinated Excel sheet each day.
- I’m gonna file my taxes
- My Excel budget sheet, which I use from Break Your Budget, needs to be organized and reset for Spring in 2022. It’s super detailed and makes me feel like a data scientist, but it’s the only way to cut down on my spending.
Finally, to keep things organized in my life and career, I use a wall calendar, Google calendar, and a digital planner in Goodnotes. Right now, this is the system that works for me.
Because life gets super busy, I try to book all my appointments at the beginning of the month and write blog posts and Instagram posts 12 weeks in advance. Following up on events & dates with friends and planning major events months in advance helps me to show up less stressed.
- Book appointments for the quarter.
- Finally, complete my notion.
- Reflect on Quarter 1 goals in my digital planner.
- Write blog posts for quarters 2 & 3.
- Clean up emails and follow up.
- Confirm events & dates with friends, and plan a birthday dinner for July.
And that’s how I plan to reset for Spring in 2022! Let me know if this gave you any ideas and what you’re gonna prioritize this Spring.
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