After reflecting on 2021, I can clearly state what I want from 2022. In my opinion, resolutions are a little different from goals.
Ideally, goals should be achieved within a 12 week period. You need to be held accountable to them with deadlines and weekly and daily tasks.
Resolutions are good, to sum up, the person you want to be to achieve your goals.
Resolutions are how you see yourself and how you want to interact with the world. Here are my 2022 resolutions, in no particular order.
1. I focus more on enjoyable movement.
Like I said in my 2021 reflection, I don’t do the exercises experts tell me to do anymore. Running used to be my exercise of choice because of 3 things.
- In college, running really helped me deal with my anxiety. It gave me a runner’s high and gave me confidence.
- The motivation wasn’t aesthetic, it was training for a 5K.
- Through the Running Room, I got to practice running with a group.
As you can see, 3 of my favourite parts about enjoying movement are reducing my anxiety symptoms, training to improve my skills, and hanging out with like-minded people.
My aesthetic goals followed naturally and easily, but I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish them if I wasn’t in love with running. Now, if you asked me to run, I’d say NO WAY. It’s no fun anymore.
How does enjoyable movement look to me now? Simple.
Ice skating and Taekwondo.
I lost a lot of time for ice skating and taekwondo when I made strength training a priority. No matter how effective the strength training was, it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as flying on ice or mastering a martial art.
And that’s why I’m focusing on Taekwondo, ice skating, Just Dance, and hot girl walks with my dog this year.
My villain era will begin if we have a lockdown this summer. I’ll start rollerskating when the ice rinks are closed and slash to BTS songs on Beat Saber.
2. I have less food waste.
Every month I throw out a lot of expired food. In order to fix this, I’m gonna make meal plans and grocery lists. I’ll plan a weekly menu that includes foods I like.

Food that makes me nauseous just thinking about it, I’m not eating it or buying groceries for them. I have to stick to my guns and guts about the food I want to eat vs. the food I should eat to get them gains.
3. I DNF books, shows and people faster.
“DNF” is short for “did not finish”. In reader terms, basically, you didn’t finish the book. I like to force myself to finish books or end up in a reading slump (which I’m in right now). I want to apply the DNF mindset to everything, including people. I don’t want to spend too much time with people who drain my energy.

The friendship doesn’t have to continue or look the same. I think it should be normalized and not a weird thing anymore in my life. So here’s to DNFing everything that makes you unhappy.
4. I protect my energy and am aware of when I take things personally.
I can protect my energy by DNFing faster. But I can’t help but take things personally by nature.
It can be a positive or negative sentiment about my behaviour. It affects me either way. It could be something I do myself, that I resent, and that I also take personally.
Truth is, you won’t be able to please everyone. Even your parents, which is hard to learn and accept.
Everyone has a different vision of what they want you to be or how you show up in their lives. But if it’s making you resent those people or making you miserable and stressed out, then you have to set boundaries, even if it feels like they’ll hate you for it.
As a July baby, it’s going to take me a long time to learn not to take things personally. In any case, I’ll try to be aware of when I’m taking things personally, and not try to stop myself from feeling how I do, but be aware of it when I do it.
5. I choose story-based entertainment over social media entertainment.
I used TikTok for an hour every day in 2021.
When you consume less social media, you’re happier. Even for a few days, I feel more in touch with myself if I delete social media apps.
I’m going to do more social media fasts this year. It’s not all bad. You can get some inspiration on TikTok. It’s just that those videos are intermingled with way more toxic content than good.

That’s why I’d like to focus on story-based entertainment, which is something I’ve done in the past. Like watching movies, reading books, or playing video games.
Story-based entertainment is fun and takes me away from reality for a while, but also gives my brain some creative inspiration.
Also, it helps me be more present.
6. I view a year as 12 weeks.
In my reflection for 2021, I talked about viewing a 12-week quarter as a year and choosing specific goals to accomplish within 12 weeks. This year I want to give it a try and see if I can do more than I have been doing with the year-view mindset.

7. I say what I mean and I stop accommodating myself for other people.
This one is gonna be tough. I’m a people-pleaser by nature, so I hate confrontation. In my conversations with people, I want to say what I mean and some of what I’m thinking (respectfully, of course), so my conversations are transparent, and there’s nothing unspoken.
It’s a great quality to have in any relationship. Whenever I don’t say what I’m thinking, I supplement people’s silence with my assumptions. Those assumptions have proven to be false time and time again.
How can I be sure I’m right about what I think people think? That’s what my old therapist asked me. Is there any evidence? There wasn’t any.
It was never based on what they said or anything else. It was a reflection of how I felt they thought about me, which was a reflection of how I felt about myself.
That’s why I’m going to say what I mean and not just silently cater to other people. Otherwise, I’ll overthink based on my assumptions.
8. I am vigilant about who I let speak over my life.
I had a nightmare start, middle, and end to 2021. It wasn’t my best year. I wasn’t vigilant about my inner circle, so people gave me negative input about who I was and what I wanted to do.
The #1 rule of successful baddies in 2022: don’t let negative people get so close that what they say even matters. You shouldn’t even let them know what you’re doing next. Keep them guessing.
9. Throughout the day, I remind myself of the things I once dreamed of but now possess.
We’re always wanting more. That next goal, that next rush of accomplishment. Do you ever think about things you vision boarded and dreamed of that actually happened? I’ve been shocked at some of the photos I pinned over the years and the life I used to journal about, that I have now.
When you think like this, you automatically shift into abundance and attract more into your life. You get that thing when you realize you just want it and don’t need it.
10. I speak about my goals after I’ve accomplished them.
In this very public blog, I am writing about my 2021 reflection and my 2022 resolutions. But I don’t expect anybody to read it and I’m not telling anyone how I’m going to go about my goals.
The energy going forward is: You’ll see me when you see me.
You’ll know when the goal is accomplished. It’s never worked any other way for me. If the wrong people know about my goals, I face obstacles from every direction, so I realized telling everyone my goals doesn’t work for me.
11. I avoid impulse and life-hack shopping (read: Amazon).
The best financial habit I ever had was saving up to buy a big purchase every month, that would be a staple for years to come and elevate my life.
Every month, I would reward myself with something big. I still use these things to this day and they’re in great shape.

Since 2019, I’ve been doing a lot of impulse shopping and life-hacking shopping. These things aren’t as valuable as the one big purchase I’d save up for every month.
My life would be better if I stopped impulse and life-hack shopping. I have a list of major purchases I want to make, so if I just stop impulse shopping, I’ll see those purchases show up in my daily life. By reading financial books, I’m hoping to change my money mindset.
12. I create content in batches and avoid working last minute.
In my reflection about 2021, I talked about how creating content last minute affects my daily routine and wellness. When I batch create work, it’s out of sight, out of mind. It’s automated and done which is the most efficient mode I can work in.

It just works so well for me. One day or one week of the month, I do a lot of work, then I automate it for the next 30 days or 12 weeks. Thus, I am able to spend most of my time having fun and being healthy.
13. I write it down, right away.
I mentioned in my 2021 reflection blog post that ideas, moments, thoughts will always be around but the inspiration to act on them will not. Once I have an idea, I have to take action. Postponing doesn’t work for me.
What are your 2022 resolutions? Let me know!
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I am also exercising every day now, exercise makes people healthy.
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